Viking Guide

For patch: 5.0.0

Viking in all its glory

Guide Book


First of all the perks in the tables are ordered based on the most important perk in the first slot. So Perk 1 and 2 are mandatory, while perk 3 is optional. The only exception are for named items. In those cases the last perk is the choosen perk.


Artifact Item Type Gem Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Acquisition-Links
Syncretic Hatchet Japser (runeglass) Keenly Jagged Rogue Penetrating Backstab Brimstone Sands
The Butcher Sword Jasper (runeglass) Empowering Whirling Blade Keenly Jagged Gem Socket Dynasty


Named Weight Item-Type Perk-1 Perk-2 Perk-3 Acquisition-Links
Medium Helmet Elemental Aversion Freedom Shirking Heals
Featherweight Light Chest Refreshing Physical Aversion Shirking Heals Ner' Mur
Medium Gloves Elemental Aversion Freedom Shirking Heals
Medium Legs Elemental Aversion Freedom Shirking Heals
Light Boots Elemental Aversion Freedom Shirking Heals
Headbutt Round Shield Thrust Shield Ward Keenly Empowered Diminishing Shield Bash Stubbles
Weary Traveler Round Shield Flame Shield Ward Sturdy Fortifying Shield Rush Open World


Named Item Type Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Acquisition-Links
Tanglevine Amulet Amulet Thrust Protection Shirking Empower Health PvP Track
Privateer's Heriloom Ring Hearty Slash Damage Mortal Empowerment Barnacles
Endless Thirst Earring Empowered Toast Fortifying Toast Healing Heart Savage Divide


This my ideal setup, but you dont have too run this exact setup. Here are some alternatives to certain items:

  • Shield

    You can use either Headbutt or Weary Traveler. Just remember to compensate the loss of thrust protection with some emeralds. I would combine The Butcher with Headbutt and Keratin with Weary Traveler.

  • Hatchet Weapon Perks

    Refreshing distancing throw could be viable, but not a priority.

  • Sword Weapon Perks

    Empowering Leaping Strike is very good, but not a priority unless you find one with [Elemental Aversion, Freedom, Empowering Leaping Strike]


So for heartrunes we have one option.

  • Stoneform

    Stoneform is bugged and hasnt been fixed yet. Avoid if possible.

    Stoneform is mandatory for any melee glass cannon build. You have to play really defensivly if you do not pick this heartrune.


As this is a glass cannon build you wanna try and go as low con as possible. I would run around 50-100 con if I run one of the death defy trees, but for the full throwing tree I would go 150 con.

Strenght Dexterity Intelligence Focus Constitution Example Images
200 300 5 5 100 example
250 300 5 5 50 example
350 200 5 5 50 example
350 250 5 5 5 example


We should be looking for 20% thrust resistance, 24% fire resistance, 5% strike, 15% slash. We use 4 rubies, 2 onyxes and 2 moonstones to achieve this.

Weapon Tree


  • Berserker

    This has been the standard build for a long time and it still holds up. I dont find it as fun as the other option, but I recommend it for most players. Hatchet standard weapon tree

  • Full throwing

    A really powerful option if you can aim. You do lose death defy, so i would recommend going a bit more con, but otherwise its pretty good. Hatchet full throwing weapon tree


  • Now you gone

    This is the most effective tree for the hatchet sword combo detailed above. SnS weapon tree

  • Now I'm gone

    Not quite as meta, but it feels better too me. SnS weapon tree